Sunday, October 31, 2010

Make up, make up!

While I was taking a shower you were playing like normal in the bathroom floor. When I got out you said "Hi Mommy". I looked down and you and just started laughing. You had gotten into my put it on but it only made it to one side of your face! It was priceless!

Pumpkin carvin and cookie bakin

To help us get into the Halloween spirit, we decided to carve pumpkins and bake cookies tonight.  We sat you on the table and took your shirt off, a guaranteed mess maker.  We gave you a bowl, your pumpkin and a spoon and let you go to town pulling out the seeds.  At first your were more fascinated with the seeds, you even tried to eat them.  You worked hard scraping out the inside of the pumpkin with assistance from me. Uncle Tom Tom and Ashley came over to help.  Uncle Tom Tom carved your pumpkin for you, its was perfect. Sissy, Barbie and I worked hard on cleaning out our pumpkins and then deciding what we wanted to carve in them.  They went with the traditional funny faces, I carved "Stink".  After we had the pumpkins cleaned I went ahead and gave you a bath, then we moved on to cookie baking. Aunt Barbie decided she needed to throw a ball of dough at my face which then started our cookie dough fight. It was quite hilarious! You were being a trooper but it was getting very late so we went ahead and brushed your teeth and put you to bed before we got to decorate the cookies.  You had such a good time! I can't wait to do it again next year.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin

Today we went to the Ashland Berry Farm to pick pumpkins. The weather was perfect for pumpkin picking!!  Once we got there we waited in line for what felt like forever! You played with rocks and flowers to occupy your time until we finally got onto the hayride. We rode the hayride for about 5 minutes until they dropped us off in the middle of their pumpkin patch.  We hopped of and started looking. You were running were actually more interested in the rocks and dirt than the actual pumpkins! We spent about 30-45 minutes out in the patch looking for the perfect pumpkins.  After choosing the prefect 5 pumpkins, we headed back to the hayride.  You had such a great time out there, I can't wait to carve the pumpkins!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Metro Richmond Zoo


Today was your very first time going to the zoo. We went to the Metro Richmond Zoo. I wasn't too sure how you would feel about all of the animals. I know you love diesel and all dogs, so I didn't think you would have a problem.  When we got there instead of pushing you in the stoller the entire time I decided to let you walk around and explore the animals for yourself. You were in heaven! Everything was "look mommy!" with a very big grin on your face. When we went to see the white tiger, you kept telling me that it was Diesel. I couldn't help but laugh and smile at how innocent you are. You kept making monkey sounds when we say them.  You were quite fascinated with the water, a few times you tried to climb through the fence to go  play in it. I think your favorite animals there by far were the giraffes. You walked right up to them like they were pets. You fed them like you would feed Diesel. It amazed me how comfortable you were with them. When they licked your hands you just laughed.  Aunt Kristyn and Jonah met us at the Zoo while we were feeding the giraffes.  We walked down to see the birds. Jonah fell in love with them and refused to leave the cage, so you and I kept walking and met back up with them a few minutes later.  After seeing more animals you and I went back to the bird cages. I reached my hand out to one of the birds and he jumped on my finger! I felt like the bird lady eventually though because so many birds were climbing on me.  It was a lot of fun. I'm so glad I was able to take you and that you actually enjoyed all of the animals!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Park day with Marilee and Krystal

Mommy had to work today so Aunt Krystal watched you. She loves to watch you. The two of you always seem to have so much fun.  While I was at work Aunt Krystal took you to the park and various other places for the day.  You went to the park and met up with Marilee. She is so in love with you...they both are!

Crack Kills!

This is your new thing! You like to stick your hands down your pants and scratch at your butt. You haven't quite figured out that you need to put your diaper back up yet, so...crack is everywhere! It's adorable!

Eye Surgery

                                                             You trying to take the name tag off

On September 29th you had to have tubes placed in your left eye. When you were born your tear ducts didn't form properly so they drained a lot. Normally most children grow out of this by 9 months to a year old.  Your right eye grew out of it but your left eye didn't. It would drain constantly and even get crushed over, causing me to have to wipe your eyes with a warm wash cloth for you to be able to open your eye.  I put the surgery off as long as I possibly could, hoping that you would eventually grow out of it, but you didn't. I was nervous for you to have the surgery because eventhough it was only about a 30 minute procedure, it required you to be under general anesthesia.  Daddy and I took you to Va Eye Institute that morning. You were very happy...until the doctor walked in. It was all screams from there! They placed a name band on your foot and you got so mad!  There was nothing we could do to calm you wanted that band off! They came to take you for your surgery and Daddy and I waited in the waiting room. I sat and read a magazine while Daddy's what he does! Dr. Brown came out to talk with us when your procedure was over. She said you did great, as expected.  We went back to see you and as soon as they opened the door for us to walk back we could hear you screaming! You were very loopy and could hardly hold your eyes open.  I held you and you stopped crying.  After we got all of the paperwork we needed we left.  I got you to the car where Daddy kissed you goodbye. You and I left and went home. You fell asleep on the ride home and slept for 4 hours after we got home. Thankfully everything went well!

Park day with Aunt Jillian and "Nana"

In early September while Aunt Jillian was pregnant with Jackson she got put on bedrest.  She was about to go insane sitting at home watching TV so you and I went over to take her for an outing.  We decided to go to Sunday Park, one of your favorite places! You always love to feed the ducks and play on the playground.  We considered this Aunt Jillian and Nanas last outing together before Jackson made his big arrival! The two of you loved running in opposite directions making it difficult for me to watch both of you! You two sure kept me on my toes!