Thursday, October 14, 2010

Metro Richmond Zoo


Today was your very first time going to the zoo. We went to the Metro Richmond Zoo. I wasn't too sure how you would feel about all of the animals. I know you love diesel and all dogs, so I didn't think you would have a problem.  When we got there instead of pushing you in the stoller the entire time I decided to let you walk around and explore the animals for yourself. You were in heaven! Everything was "look mommy!" with a very big grin on your face. When we went to see the white tiger, you kept telling me that it was Diesel. I couldn't help but laugh and smile at how innocent you are. You kept making monkey sounds when we say them.  You were quite fascinated with the water, a few times you tried to climb through the fence to go  play in it. I think your favorite animals there by far were the giraffes. You walked right up to them like they were pets. You fed them like you would feed Diesel. It amazed me how comfortable you were with them. When they licked your hands you just laughed.  Aunt Kristyn and Jonah met us at the Zoo while we were feeding the giraffes.  We walked down to see the birds. Jonah fell in love with them and refused to leave the cage, so you and I kept walking and met back up with them a few minutes later.  After seeing more animals you and I went back to the bird cages. I reached my hand out to one of the birds and he jumped on my finger! I felt like the bird lady eventually though because so many birds were climbing on me.  It was a lot of fun. I'm so glad I was able to take you and that you actually enjoyed all of the animals!

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